
our roots

The story of Dos Margaritas involves family, a Tex Mex salsa with a sweet heat, and having the courage to siezethe day (CarpeDiem).

Dos Margaritas was born in the late 1980s when two Margarets: Margaret Ellen and me, her daughter Margaret Love developed a handmade Christmas gift to give to friends and my dad Bruce’s clients. We have continued the tradition since then.

In 1992 Dos Margaritas won it’s its first competition, at the 2nd Annual Austin Chronicle Hot Sauce Festival. In our family Christmas letter from the same year our chosen theme was ‘Carpe Diem’. We considered starting a salsa business back then but ... life.

Little did we know it would take us over 30 years to Carpe this particular Diem. In early 2019, when God started opening doors for Dos Margaritas Salsa, I started walking through them. This is not a story of a girl who knows how to build a salsa business, but rather one who is stepping out in faith to seize the day and walk through the open doors that could lead to a great salsa business.

It warms my heart to see someone enjoy Dos Margaritas, and especially to hear that their family enjoys it. If our salsa had a mission that would be it: giving you a reason to take a few moments out and enjoy something tasty with your family or friends.

Slow down a little and enjoy the time with the ones you love. Better yet, celebrate a holiday or watch some sports together and build a new tradition.

Thanks for checking us out! I hope you will try some of our salsa and let me know what you think.


Maggie (Margarita #2)